Mental health is improved through awareness. The science of psychology is constantly improving, but it can't help you unless you're up to date.
Please feel free to use these resources. Share them with friends and family. All resources provided are freely available for use by the public (unless explicitly stated otherwise). One resource that many patients find useful is my guide "How to deal with your insurance company." I offer all my patients free advice on how to manage your relationship with your insurance so that you are reimbursed to the maximum possible degree. Have a look, and get what you're owed. |
Look to these organizations for the very best information on their respective subjects
This site is a repository of information about OCD and contains very useful articles and other resources
Another good source of information, focusing on depression and anxiety.
Organization providing information, advocacy, and support for people suffering from mental illness and their families. Primary source of support groups nationwide.
Organization for the proliferation of information about mental health.
Non-professional organization of alcoholics dedicated to providing support for those in recovery from addiction to alcohol.
This website owned by Dr. Kristin Neff has several useful videos, guided meditations, and practice exercises to improve and enhance self-compassion, all provided by the doctor herself, and all free.
This site has lots of good information about sleep. Make sure to check out their tips on sleep hygiene, and how much sleep is right for your age.
Useful videos
These are videos that I've found useful and find myself recommending to patients often. Please feel free to look at them if interested.